Custom Scripts

Custom scripts can be connected to buttons on either the Ribbon or the task pane. They are the equivalent to a Sub in VBA or an Office Script.

Basic syntax

As you can see in the examples, the simplest custom script requires:

  • the @script decorator

  • a function argument with the xw.Book type hint

Otherwise, they work like classic xlwings Scripts.

Here is how this looks:

import xlwings as xw
from xlwings.server import script

def hello_world(book: xw.Book):
    sheet = book.sheets[0]
    sheet["A1"].value == "Hello xlwings!"


  • The script decorator is imported from xlwings.server rather than xlwings.

  • While it’s ok to edit the functions in to try things out, you shouldn’t commit the changes to Git to prevent future merge conflicts. Rather, create a new Python module as explained in the next section.

Adding new custom scripts

Here is how you can write your own custom scripts:

  1. Add a Python module under app/custom_scripts, e.g.,

  2. Add the following import statement (highlighted line) to app/custom_scripts/

from ..config import settings

if settings.enable_examples:
    from .examples import *

from .myscripts import *

Running a Script

How you run a script depends on the integration you’re using:


Currently, custom scripts don’t accept arguments other than the special type-hinted ones (xw.Book and app.models.user.CurrentUser).