Azure Functions


Install the following software:

Before you begin, you’ll need to login to Azure:

az login


If you deploy to Azure Functions using a different method, you should be able to adapt the instructions accordingly.


The following files are part of Azure functions setup and may need to be tweaked:

  • host.json

  • local.settings.json


  • .funcignore


In the commands below, we’re going to use the following parameters that you should adjust to match your preferences:

  • The function app: xlwings-server

  • The resource group: xlwings-server-rg

  • The storage account: xlwingsserversa

  • Region: westeurope


You need to replace xlwings-server with your own app name in all of the the following commands as the name needs to be globally unique.

You may also want to skip some of the steps, e.g., if you already have an existing resource group or storage account to deploy to.

  1. Create a resource group:

    az group create --name xlwings-server-rg --location westeurope
  2. Create storage account:

    az storage account create --name xlwingsserversa --location westeurope --resource-group xlwings-server-rg --sku Standard_LRS
  3. Create the function app (if possible, use the same Python version locally as the one specified in this command):

    az functionapp create --resource-group xlwings-server-rg --consumption-plan-location westeurope --runtime python --runtime-version 3.11 --functions-version 4 --name xlwings-server --os-type linux --storage-account xlwingsserversa
  4. Set the required environment variables. Make sure to provide your own license key at the end of this command (you can get a free trial key here). You’ll also need to adjust the XLWINGS_ENVIRONMENT if this is not the prod environment:

    az functionapp config appsettings set --name xlwings-server --resource-group xlwings-server-rg --settings XLWINGS_ENVIRONMENT=prod XLWINGS_ENABLE_SOCKETIO=false XLWINGS_LICENSE_KEY=<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>
  5. Run the following to enable the worker process to index the functions:

    az functionapp config appsettings set --name xlwings-server --resource-group xlwings-server-rg --settings AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags=EnableWorkerIndexing
  6. Deploy the function app (this is also the command to deploy an update):


    This command must be run from the root of your xlwings-server repo.

    func azure functionapp publish xlwings-server

    It should terminate with the following message:

    Remote build succeeded!
    [...] Syncing triggers...
    Functions in xlwings-server:
       http_app_func - [httpTrigger]
          Invoke url:{*route}

If there’s nothing printed after Functions in ..., have a look at Logging to find out the reason, otherwise go to the URL without the //{*route} part (in the example, that would be and you should see {"status": "ok"}.


  • If your app correctly deploys including syncing triggers, you can look at the runtime logs in Azure portal like so: Function App > My Function App. Then, under http_app_func, click on Invocations and more.

  • If your Azure functions doesn’t manage to sync triggers, i.e., it doesn’t print a URL after running func azure functionapp publish, you need to go to the Azure portal: Function App > My Function App. In the left-hand menu, select Diagnose and solve problems > Availability and Performance and finally click on Functions that are not triggered on the left-hand side.


After running this tutorial you can get rid of all the resources again by running:d

az group delete --name xlwings-server-rg
