
0.6.0 (Oct 1, 2024)

  • Support buttons on sheets with Office.js add-ins.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.33.1.

0.5.6 (Sep 25, 2024)

  • Object handles: added support for nested custom types, e.g., dicts containing pandas DataFrames.

  • Added an example that shows how to handle authentication with the task pane via htmx.

0.5.5 (Sep 23, 2024)

  • Added a button to the default task pane to set up a sheet with custom functions examples.

  • Introduced dedicated docs at

  • docker compose up now also works without dev certificates

  • Fixed a CORS issue when using the Office Scripts integration.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.33.0.

0.5.4 (Sep 11, 2024)

  • Fixed security headers so that Windows will show the icons on the ribbon correctly.

  • Made the HTTP port configurable in the default Dockerfile.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.32.2.

0.5.3 (Aug 24, 2024)

  • Avoid merge conflicts in requirements files when merging in upstream.

0.5.2 (Aug 24, 2024)

  • Upstream GitHub Actions pipelines have been disabled on forks.

  • Simplified dependency management by getting rid of separate Windows requirements files.

0.5.1 (Aug 20, 2024)

  • Custom functions and custom scripts can now access the current user object by using a function parameter with the CurrentUser as type hint, see examples.

  • Custom functions now work with thousands of concurrent requests.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.32.1.

0.5.0 (Aug 15, 2024)

  • Added support for object handles:

  • Added staging as additional environment name.

  • Dependencies are now split up into,, and and managed via python deps, see README.

  • Added docker-compose production configuration under docker directory including Socket.IO and Redis services.

  • More custom function examples.

  • Bug fix: service now respects the XLWINGS_APP_PATH.

  • Added XLWINGS_SECRET_KEY setting.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.32.0.

0.4.4 (Jul 11, 2024)

  • Fixed an issue with custom functions when using the setting XLWINGS_ENABLE_SOCKETIO=false.

  • Upgraded xlwings to 0.31.10.

0.4.3 (Jul 9, 2024)

  • Fixed utils.trigger_script() to only trigger the script 1x no matter how many times the file is open.

  • There is now an official Docker image available:

  • Open Office.js alerts are now closed before showing a new alert, which would otherwise cause an error.

  • Custom functions now show errors that happen outside the app, such as timeouts.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.31.9.

0.4.2 (Jul 3, 2024)

  • If you set a valid license key as XLWINGS_DEVELOPER_KEY env var in your build env, building the docker container via docker compose build will automatically install a deploy key inside the container.

  • Fixed an issue when running the app with XLWINGS_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=false.

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.31.8.

0.4.1 (Jun 26, 2024)

  • Upgraded xlwings-bootstrap to 5.3.3-1 and xlwings to 0.31.7

0.4.0 (Jun 25, 2024)



  • Changed dependencies for validating the Entra ID JWT fro PyJWT to joserfc

  • Allows to provide an own function for retrieving the Entra ID JWKS (JSON Web Key Set), allowing to enable the Entra ID auth functionality on airgapped servers

  • Allow to use multiple auth providers on the backend. This is helpful if you want to use the same backend from Office.js via Entra ID and from Google Sheets via Google OAuth, for example.

  • Enabling auth now requires to set XLWINGS_AUTH_PROVIDERS, e.g., XLWINGS_AUTH_PROVIDERS=["entraid"]

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.31.6.

0.3.0 (Jun 18, 2024)

  • Introduced @script decorator and xw-click HTML tag, see app/custom_scripts/

  • Introduced app.utils.trigger_script() to trigger a custom script from within a custom function, see app/custom_functions/

  • Bootstrap can now be disabled via XLWINGS_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP=false.

  • python now runs locally without certs, which allows it to be used with VBA or Office Scripts (Office.js always require certs).

  • Upgraded dependencies incl. xlwings to 0.31.5.

0.2.0 (Jun 4, 2024)

  • New settings XLWINGS_APP_PATH and XLWINGS_STATIC_URL_PATH that allow to mount the app on a non root-path such as

  • New setting XLWINGS_DATE_FORMAT to override/fix the date format in custom functions.

  • Upgraded xlwings to 0.31.4.

0.1.0 (May 27, 2024)

  • First release.