Authorization and RBAC

Authentication answers the question, “Who is the user?” while authorization determines, “Does the authenticated user have the required rights?”.

By adding an authentication provider via XLWINGS_AUTH_PROVIDERS, only logged in users will be able to call Custom Functions and Custom Scripts.

If you want to further differentiate between users, you need to implement authorization, either on a global level or for specific custom functions or custom scripts. You can do this by using role-based access-control (RBAC), which allows you to define roles that you can be enforced globally or for specific custom functions/custom scripts.

Global authorization

To add global authorization, you can implement the User.is_authorized() method under app/models/ For example, if you have set XLWINGS_AUTH_ENTRAID_MULTITENANT=true but only want to allow users with the domain to run custom scripts and custom functions, you could do:

async def is_authorized(self):
    return self.domain == "" if self.domain else False

For role-based access control (RBAC), to only authorize users with certain roles, you could write:

async def is_authorized(self):
    return await self.has_required_roles(["xlwings.admin", "xlwings.user"])

Function-specific RBAC

If you have individual custom functions or custom scripts where you want to require specific roles, you can use required_roles like so:

import xlwings as xw
from xlwings.server import script, func

@script(required_roles=["xlwings.admin", "xlwings.user"])
def myscript(book: xw.Book):

@func(required_roles=["xlwings.admin", "xlwings.user"])
def myfunction(name: str):