Upgrade xlwings Server


This guide assumes that you have set up your local Git repository according to Git Repository Setup.

Upgrade process

  1. Fetch changes from upstream and merge them. Make sure to replace <VERSION> with the desired version, such as 0.5.3 or main for bleeding edge (see Changelog).

    git fetch upstream
    git merge --no-edit <VERSION>
  2. If you get a merge conflict, resolve it.

  3. Compile the requirements files:

    python run.py deps compile
  4. Commit and push the requirements files to your repo (feel free to use a Git UI instead):

    git add .
    git commit -m "updated requirements"
    git push origin main
  5. Update your requirements locally:

    uv pip sync requirements-dev.txt

    If you use Docker, rebuild your container instead:

    docker compose build

Merge vs. Rebase

Merge is recommended over rebase:

  • Potential merge conflicts can be resolved in a single step

  • There’s no force push required

  • The history of your own commits is preserved

  • Git Repository Setup minimizes merge conflicts during merge operations via .gitattributes