Git Repository Setup


  • You will need basic familiarity with Git and have Git installed.

  • This guide assumes that you have Python installed.


  1. Clone the xlwings Server repo. Replace myproject with the desired name of your project:

    git clone myproject
    git clone myproject


    If you only want to play around with xlwings Server without committing any changes back to Git, you can continue with Step 7. If you want to commit your changes later, you can always come back and follow the Steps 2-6.

  2. Change into the directory of your project:

    cd myproject
  3. Rename the remote from origin to upstream:

    git remote rename origin upstream
  4. Create your own (empty) Git repo myproject on GitHub or any other Git provider and copy the clone URL.

  5. Add the clone URL of your own Git repo:

    git remote add origin <URL>
  6. Set your local branch to track your new origin:

    git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main
  7. To reduce future merge conflicts with the help of .gitattributes, run:

    git config --local merge.ours.driver true
  8. Install the uv package manager:

    pip install uv
  9. In the desired Python environment, install the development dependencies:

    uv pip sync requirements-dev.txt
  10. Initialize the repo. This will create an .env file for configuration and will create unique UUIDs in the app/ file.

    python init
  11. Open the .env file and add your xlwings license key under XLWINGS_LICENSE_KEY (top of the file).


    The .env file is ignored by Git as it may contain sensitive credentials. You should therefore back it up in a secure location such as a password manager.

  12. Commit the changes and push everything to your own repo (feel free to use a Git UI instead of the following commands). If you just want to play around with xlwings Server, you can skip this step.

    git add .
    git commit -m "updated uuids"
    git push origin main